Brunswick Regional Water & Sewer H2GO is a locally elected government, a Sanitary District established by the North Carolina Public Health Commission under Article 2, Part 2 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, Section 130A-47 to 130A-87. H2GO operates a water and sewer public enterprise, subject to fiscal and accounting standards prescribed for units of local government by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.
As a self-governing public entity, Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO is committed to providing safe drinking water for public health, fire protection, economic prosperity, and high-quality sewer services for our district customers. Currently, serving 16,500 water customers and 18,000 sewer customers – a population of roughly 45,000, in Belville, Leland, Navassa, and unincorporated areas of NE Brunswick County.
Brunswick Regional Water & Sewer H2GO’s combined water and sewer rates are amongst the lowest compared to other water and sewer public enterprises in our regional Councils of Government, with annual water and sewer bills at 0.82% of the annual median household income.
H2GO gets our water from the Lower Peedee and the Black Creek Aquifers.
H2GO’s average daily demand (ADD) for water is about 3.2 million gallons per day (MDG), and our maximum daily demand is 4.5 MGD. The average daily water demand in the H2GO service area is projected to reach 3.5 MGD by 2050, with maximum daily demands at or above 6 MGD by 2050. The current growth rate for our service areas is over 6% annually. H2GO’s customer base is projected to double within the next 25 years.
Important H2GO Events
1976 - The state of North Carolina Commission for Health Services created the Leland Sanitary District.
1982 - The Leland Sanitary District agreed with engineers to construct a water distribution project for the area.
1985 - A set of rules and regulations were adopted by the Leland Sanitary District’s Board of Commissioners.
1985 - The first election for the Leland Sanitary District Board of Commissioners was held.
1987 - The Leland Sanitary District began servicing their first approximately 350 customers. Over the past thirty-six years, the District has grown to service more than 45,000 people.
1988 - The property where the Leland Sanitary District’s Building sits today on Village and Woodland Avenue was purchased.
1989 - The Leland Sanitary District's home office was built
1988 - The Leland Sanitary District purchased Olde Towne Subdivision.
1997 - Because of the Town of Leland being incorporated within the Leland Sanitary District boundaries, the name of the Leland Sanitary District changed to North Brunswick Sanitary District.
2001 - The North Brunswick Sanitary District took over the Belville Treatment Plant and Belville’s Sewer System.
2002 - The North Brunswick Sanitary District received approval from the state of their Plans and Specifications to put in a Sanitary Sewer Collection System beginning with Village Road.
2006 - The North Brunswick Sanitary District's office was renovated into its present state
2009 - The North Brunswick Sanitary District's name was changed to Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO.
2021 - The Town of Leland and Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO signed an interlocal agreement (ILA) that consolidated local water and sewer utilities. As the public entity tasked with the provision of water and sewer in the agreement, H2GO would operate and maintain the consolidated water and wastewater systems.
2023 - Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO's Aquifer Sourced Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant began operations, providing clean, contaminant free water to our customers.
Board Members
The following is a list of all the citizens that we have been able to track that have served on the Board of Commissioners of the Leland Sanitary District and Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer, if anyone has been left out I do apologize, please inform the Clerk to the Board.

A-F | G-K | L-P | Q-U | V-Z |
Julius Adams | Joe N. Gainey |
Barry Laub (2019-Present) |
Archie Sellers | Donald Ray White |
Carl Antos (2006-2017) |
Jeff Gaskill (2009-2013) |
Buddy Lewis | Doug Smith (2002) |
Boyd C. Williamson |
Grace Beasley (2001-2005) |
Jeff Gerken (2015-2019) |
Julius D. Lewis | Jean Speight | |
Willie Beatty | Steve Hosmer (2019-Present) |
Rodney McCoy (2017-Present) |
Ava V. Thomas | |
William Beer (2017-Present) |
Ron Jenkins (2013-Present) |
George E. Mintz | Curtis B. Thomas | |
Lewis Brown | Preston Johnson | Jennie E. Mintz | Trudy Trombley (2015-2019) |
Minnie Brown (1999-2003) |
Bobby Johnston (2009-2013) |
Albert O. Mitchell | ||
Virginia Browning | Elgie Jones | Edison Moore | ||
William Browning (2006-2017) |
T.A. Moore | |||
Poe Butler (2003-2015) |
Francis Murrill (2001-2005) |
Catherine Clark | Leo J. Nowak | |||
James Cooke (1999-2003) |
Stephen Craft | ||||
Dwight Crainshaw (2001-2002) |
John D. Crowder III (2007-2015) |
Perry Davis (2002-2009) |
Patsy A. Elliot |