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RFQ/RFP - Risk & Resilience Assessment (RRA) & Emergency Response Plan (ERP) & Multi-Year Training Excersise Plan (T&E) Services
8/30/2023 12:27:28 PM
- Complete a drinki ng water and wast ewater system Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA).
- Prepare an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in compliance with Section 2013 of the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA).
- Develop a Multi-Year Training and Excersise (T&E) Plan for H2GO utility operations.
Brunswick Regional Water & Sewer H2GO is a local governmental unit, a Sanitary District, established by the North Carolina Public Health Commission under Article 2, Part 2 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. H2GO operates a public water and sewer utility subject to fiscal and accounting standards prescribed for units of local government by the Local Government Commission.
Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO currently serves over 16,000 metered water customers; a population of more than 40,000 in Belville, Leland, parts of Navassa, and unincorporated areas of NE Brunswick County. The current growth rate for our service areas is over 8% annually. H2GO’s customer base is projected to double within the next 10 to 15 years.
H2GO operates a 6.0 MGD reverse osmosis water treatment plant with raw water sourced from 10 wells in the Lower Peedee and Black Creek aquifers. H2GO’s average daily demand (ADD) for water is about 3.1 million gallons per day (MDG), and the peak day demands range to 5 MGD. The average daily water demand in the H2GO service area is projected to reach 4.8 MGD by 2035, with maximum daily demands near 7.5 MGD. H2GO has approximately 260 miles of water pipe in the distribution system; 1.75 MG in elevated storage and 2.5 MG in ground storage. H2GO is to begin injection and withdrawal testing of ASR test wells in October 2023.
H2GO also operates a 0.65 MGD extended aeration wastewater treatment plant in Belville; and is a partner in Brunswick County’s NEWWTP. The Belville WWTP is operating near capacity with excess wastewater pumped to the NEWWTP. H2GO’s current average daily wastewater flow to the NEWWTP is 2.0 MGD, and H2GO has a 3.83 MGD capacity allocation in the existing 4.975 MGD NEWWTP. Brunswick County has begun design engineering for another 2.5 MGD expansion of the NEWWTP. H2GO’s additional allocation is the new expansion is TBD. H2GO has approximately 286 miles of gravity sewers and pressure force mains, and 100 lift stations.
Respondents may submit questions concerning this RFQ / RFP in writing to:
Bob Walker
Executive Director
Firms interested in being considered are requested to submit a Qualifications Statement and non-priced Proposal, as described below, on or before 4:00 p.m., October 5, 2023, to:
Bob Walker, Executive Director
PO Box 2230
516 Village Rd NE
Leland, NC 28451
Re: RRA, ERP, T&E Services
Five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic file of the Qualifications / Proposal response shall be submitted.
A tentative timeline for the selection process follows. (Note: shortlisting and interviews may extend this process).
Question/Comment Deadline -------------------------------------------- September 27, 2023
Statement of Qualifications / Proposal Due --------------------------- October 5, 2023
Evaluation of Respondents Complete ---------------------------------- October 17, 2023
Approve and Award Contract ------------------------------------------- November 15, 2023
A. Cover letter. Describe your firm or team’s interest and commitment in providing consulting services for H2GO. An officer of the Consulting firm who is authorized to contractually bind the firm and to negotiate a contract with H2GO shall sign the letter. Provide name, title, address, email, and telephone number of this officer.
B. A general description of the consultant’s firm and the firm’s qualifications.
C. A detailed description of consultant’s understanding of the project. The Consultant shall provide a detailed narrative for the approach and methodology to engage H2GO staff during the development of the RRA, ERP, and T&E
D. Project understanding, approach, and preliminary scope of work.
E. Listing of the key personnel (including subconsultants) performing the work including a description of their background, qualifications, recent similar experience, and responsibility on this program. Clearly specify the individual
designated as the Project Manager. The RRA project technical lead or project manager shall have previous experience implementing the American Water Works Association (AWWA) J100 Risk Assessment Methodology.
F. Project staff shall have demonstrated experience conducting RRAs, preparing ERPs, and developing T&E plans. Project staff shall demonstrate project experience using the AWWA Cybersecurity Use-Case Tool. At least one project
team member shall have a current Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.
G. List and description of similar projects recently completed including dates of service and clients.
H. Client references, including contact person and current telephone numbers. References should focus on recent projects in which the personnel listed in Item 5 had responsibilities.
I. Résumés/attachments.
J. Do not include hourly rates or fees. This will be a qualification based selection.
EVALUATION CRITERIA Firms will be evaluated on the information presented in the written response. Evaluation factors used to select the consultant shall include, but may not be limited to, the following: A. Demonstrated understanding of the project requirement, its complexities and challenges and proposed approach. (Maximum score 10 points) B. Familiarity with policies and procedures related to the work effort. (Maximum score 10 points) C. Qualifications relating to RRAs preparation of ERPs, and development of T&E plans. (Maximum score 20 points.) D. Qualifications of proposed key personnel and their demonstrated recent experience in completing projects similar in scope and complexity. (Maximum score 20 points.) E. Familiarity with the regulatory framework to which this project will need to comply. (Maximum score 10 points.) F. Ability to provide the required services in an efficient and timely manner. (Maximum score 10 points.) G. Firm’s reputation for integrity and competence. (Maximum score 10 points.) H. Location of nearest office (preference is to local or near-local firms). (Maximum score 10 points.)
Proposals will be examined for merit and ranked by a screening committee according to quality and responsiveness to the RFQ / RFP. The top responses may be placed on a short list of finalists and called in for interviews. The firm selected as the first choice will be notified and negotiations will begin immediately on the final terms of the contract. If an agreement is not reached within fourteen (14) calendar days, negotiations with the next highest ranked candidate will begin. This process will continue until an agreement is reached or it is decided to re-advertise. H2GO reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, and to waive any and all irregularities to choose the firm which, in H2GO’s opinion, best serves the District’s interests.
The proposal should include a detailed description of all project tasks, including those suggested in this scope of work and any proposed changes, additions, or recommendations. The description of each project task should include descriptions of the task itself, the methodology or analytical process, scheduling, and key personnel. If the Consultant believes that the project can be enhanced in any way by the addition of other tasks or the deletion of any specified tasks, such information should be included in the proposal response. The Consultant will define the approach and the specific scope of work and methodology to:
A. Complete a drinking water and wastewater system Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA)
B. Revise the District’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Section 2013 of the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) requires community water systems that serve more than 3,300 people complete both tasks within six
months of each other. This project requires the Consultant to complete both separate tasks conjointly.
Upon completion of the RRA and ERP, the Consultant shall develop a Multi-Year Training and Exercise (T&E) Plan for H2GO utility operations, to serve as a step-by-step guide for H2GO to continually improve preparedness and
response capabilities. The T&E plan should include both discussion-based and operations-based exercises, consistent with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). The Consultant shall identify T&E
program priorities and prepare a T&E schedule. The Consultant shall facilitate a minimum of twelve (12) training exercises for H2GO key personnel over a one (1) year period upon completion of the T&E plan.
A. H2GO's existing Risk and Resilience Assessment will be provided to interested firms upon request.
B. H2GO's existing Emergency Response Plan will be provided to interested firms upon request.