Hours of Operation 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone 910-371-9949
After Hours Emergencies Water 910-367-1537 Sewer 910-367-2084
Hours of Operation 9 AM - 5 PM
Hours of Operation 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone 910-371-9949
After Hours Emergencies Water 910-367-1537 Sewer 910-367-2084
Irrigation Schedule -
  • Odd-numbered addresses may water once on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays;
  • Even-numbered addresses may water once on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays;
  • No customers are permitted to water on Mondays.

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Irrigation - Spring 2025

3/26/2025 7:15:22 AM

Leland, NC - Brunswick Regional Water & Sewer H2GO 

Irrigation: As you plan your irrigation schedule, Please keep in mind that NIDS has Brunswick County in D1- Moderate Drought status.

Is there an irrigation schedule?

The mandatory outdoor irrigation schedule applies to all spray irrigation systems and allows customers to irrigate according to the following schedule:

  • Odd-numbered addresses may be watered once on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
  • Even-numbered addresses may water once on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • No customers are permitted to water on Mondays.

What does my irrigation system have to have to be installed?

All new permanent in-ground irrigation systems must have:

  • A programmable controller for adjustment of irrigation frequency and intensity.
  • Rain sensors to automatically shut off the irrigation system when up to one-fourth inch of rain has fallen.

Do these restrictions apply to drip irrigation, hand-watering, car washing or pressure washing?

The irrigation schedule does not apply to the use of hand-watering, drip irrigation, washing of cars, houses, buildings, decks, etc.

What if I irrigate my yard with a private well?

If you are using a private well to irrigate your lawn, garden, or landscape, then the Odd-Even Watering Policy does not apply; scheduled watering only affects H2GO water users.  In the event you receive a notice for non-compliance, please call H2GO at (910) 371-9949 to provide evidence of an alternate water source providing the property’s irrigation needs.

How do you define hand-watering?

Hand-watering refers to the application of water for irrigation through a hand-held hose or watering container. A person must be physically holding the hose or container. Watering by hand cannot occur unattended.

Please visit H2GO’s web site for FAQ's on Irrigation and  Water Conservation measures, and to view voluntary and mandatory water restrictions  prescribed by H2GO’s Water Shortage Response Plan.
Thank you for your cooperation.
For media inquiries, please contact Bob Walker, H2GO Executive Director, at bob.walker@h2gonc.gov or 910-371-9949, ext. 1006.




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